Kelling 5th June 2011 – 7th Round Summer Accumulator

Kelling 5th June 2011 – 7th Round Summer Accumulator

Once again the weather gods were against us as we attempted to run another match on the sand at Bacton.  With the previous day giving us an excellent bass sea we were optimistic that Bacton would be fishable but with overnight winds increasing to 20-30 mph and swell heights increasing from 3ft to over 5ft it was wall to wall white water that greeted the advanced contingent of Paul (T) and Peter (M).  A few hurried calls followed and it was back to our old haunt and deeper water of Kelling.  Same wind, same swell but no white water and an excellent bass sea.  There were a few moans about the wind and we should have gone to Kings Lynn came drifting on the wind but once down on the shingle it was ideal match conditions.

To gain maximum deep water pegging was right of the small cliff towards the wreck.   With a reasonable turn out this took us just to the wreck with “gentlemen” Able taking prime wreck end peg and “sandy coke” Loke at the other end.  With no real long walks everyone was ready for the off as scheduled for Bacton even though we had had to change venues.  Everyone opted for their own different distances at the start, well as far as the almost head on wind would allow.  Finding the fish was going to be the challenge in this sea although as it happened they appeared to be at all distances.  As seems to be the tradition these days “yoda” Thomas had a knock knock on his rod within 5 minutes of the start which resulted in a 31cm schoolie on the beach but unfortunately not on his card.  Not so for “scoop” Fenech on next peg as he immediately carded a 36cm bass to hopefully set the scene for the rest of the match.

With schoolie bass appearing all along the stretch it was only a matter of time before a specimen was on the beach. Then “steady” Carter from peg 4 was observed edging himself slowly to the sea, rod bent double as he manoeuvred a quality 58cm (3lb 13oz) bass through the undertow, up the beach and onto his card.  This was followed shortly afterwards by a chunky 31cm flounder, well done John!  From that point on everyone was playing catch up as some good fish were now needed to beat that score.  On peg 1 “sandy coke” was doing his best catching 2 schoolies on one hook but did manage to record a sizeable bass.  As did “the hat” Attew on next peg along with a couple of reasonable flounders to go with his bass.

At the other end things were not so productive even though they were in shouting distance of the wreck. “Gentlemen” Able was in solemn mood snug in his buddy finding the schoolies and a 33cm codling but he did find a sizeable 41cm bass to prevent his scorecard being blank.  On next peg was an even more frustrated “class act” Thorburn who was doing everything to emulate his previous week’s victory but to no avail. He had opted to target specimen bass at range with crab an pennel  but  could only manage a plump 30cm flounder. Let’s hope he has better success on his next weekend’s secret bass expedition.  Surprise on the day was “last cast” Watts next to “class act” who was really struggling to find anything to the extent that “yoda” started feeling sorry for him.  Big mistake, as he at last got his mojo working at distance to start recording a few decent flounders, he was getting into contention.

Everything was going a pace until the tide turned 2 hours from the end and didn’t it turn ripping through there like a train assisted by that strong north to north easterly.  The slightest bit of weed and your line was round in minutes into the gutter.  “silverfox” Neave in the middle of the pack was having a torrid time only recording a small flounder and after being hauled in by a number of the others decided to call it a day early.  Anyway the fish were still there if you could hold out and “steady” demonstrated this by adding another sizeable bass to his quality fish.  “last cast” was also finding the flounders at ranging and complaining that he had not caught a bass of any form to then have a sizeable version on his card.  “yoda” had managed to find a couple of sizeable bass on his favourite lug tipped wrigglers bait and was vying for a podium place with a rather quiet “scoop”.  Although “scoop” had managed that sizeable bass early on he had also found some reasonable flounders and needed a good fish on his last cast to sneak a podium place.  This he duly did with a 29cm flounder beating “yoda” by 9 points (3oz).

At the end it was that quality bass that gave John “steady” Carter the honours on the day with 5lb 11oz from just 3 fish.  Next was that man again, Mike “last cast” Watts with 3lb 2 1/3oz from 6 fish with the final podium slot taken by Paul “scoop” Fenech  with 2lb 11 1/3oz from 5 fish. Heaviest flat and round on the day were taken by John with his 31cm flounder and 58cm bass.

In the end not a bad match and as usual very competitive with everyone at least catching.  Conditions weren’t at their best but you need this sort of sea to bring in the fish as was demonstrated with 10 sizeable bass being found along with some good flounders and not forgetting that rogue undersize codling.  Worm seemed to out fish crab as appears to be usual in North Norfolk although the quality bass took rag tipped crab.  Distance was not a deciding factor as the majority of the sizeable bass came from medium range with the majority of flounders from range.  We probably would have had more fish if we had fished this venue up and over the top but we were fishing Bacton times which was all the ebb.

Next match is at Salthouse on Saturday 11th June from 12:00 until 5:00.  We will be fishing The “Iron Road” at Salthouse which is the track to the beach on the first bend out of Salthouse going towards Cley.  You cannot drive to the beach here but have to walk across the bridge and up a short distance to the beach where we will peg either side of the access.  Any problems locating the venue please call club number.  Also confirming that the following match will be on Saturday 18th June and not on the Sunday.  Currently it is scheduled for Kelling (10:00-3:00) but we may move it to Bacton (11:00-4:00) to compensate for having to move this match from the sandy beach.  Everyone will be informed accordingly.

Apologies for rather verbose report but a good match.

Club Match Result Top 5

1st   John Carter     5lb 11/2oz

2nd  Mike Watts     3lb 2 1/3oz

3rd   Paul Fenech   2lb 11 1/33oz

4th   Tony Thomas  2lb 8 1/3oz       

5th    Sam Attew     1lb 11oz

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