Kelling Tuesday 1st January 2013 – NEW YEAR OPEN & Nelson Shield

Kelling Tuesday 1st January 2013 – NEW YEAR OPEN & Nelson Shield

The New Year Open is always a highlight on the club’s calendar attracting match anglers from far and wide but this year this did not happen with attendance half last years match.  Apart from the usual club regulars we did manage to attract some of the cream from Gt. Yarmouth & Lowestoft , Felixtowe and deepest Suffolk areas and many thanks to them for making the effort to support the club.  Probably a mistake to target this match on New Year’s day with the need to travel and of course to  recover as we did locate one booked person walking their dog on some distant beach shortly before kick-off.  Anyway something to put in the mix when arranging next year’s match, “dog walking facilities”.

After a successful Xmas Open the committee decided to peg 2 sections as in that match with one at Kelling block house (section A) and the other west of the wreck (section B) this time under the cliff was left out.  In hind sight with the reduced number we could have had just one section around the wreck but we stuck to the plan.  Parking for section (A) was as before in the hollow below the concrete dug outs close to the block house and parking for section (B) at our usual slot on top of the small cliff.  The weather was once again being good to us with a moderate westerly and dry, yes dry again!  Starting just after high water we would be fishing the whole ebb and hopefully having tide all the way through apart from a short period just after the start.  The sea had just a slight swell and was in perfect condition for big bags.

 At the whistle all had their own strategy for competing at this venue and it was not just restricted to the Kelling lob. From the off it was soon apparent that dabs of all sizes were going to be the main quarry but it also became apparent the match winning fish would be the stonking whiting.  This could not have been emphasised more as Martin (W) (peg 11) hauled in a whiting double shot on his first cast which included a 37 cm specimen.  Close by on peg 6, Ivan Allen was reeling in doubles and trebles of dabs and slightly small whiting and his card started to fill up.  Also filling up his card was Mark (G) (peg 3) who was consistently hauling in bucketful’s of reasonable dabs from range with his special clip downs in contrast to everyone else’s tactics.

Down at the other end in section B, club man Peter (S) (peg 18) was locked in battle with Paul (T) (peg 17) but he was finding the points scoring whiting whereas Paul’s card was just full of dabs although some were a good size there was not enough of them.  Further down the stretch Dave (S) (peg 23) was off to a flier with a succession of good whiting but these petered out into small dabs which put a halt to his charge. Close by, Dave (R ) (peg 25) was getting a mixed bag which included some stonking whiting but he just could not get enough of these and quality dabs to stay in contention.  The battle royal in this section was being raged on the end 3 pegs where Keith (M) (peg 27) was locked in battle with Alan (L) (peg 29) with club  man Ivan Allison (peg 28) trying to muscle in.  With a raft of good whiting from the off Keith was storming this battle but he started to get too many very small dabs which enabled Alan to catch up with a few good whiting including a 38 cm specimen towards the end and piped him by just 2 points at the end.  Ivan’s challenge in this battle faulted because his run of whiting ended abruptly at the start and could then only find small dabs with the odd specimen.

Back in section A separate battles were being raged between fellow clubmen in particular Paul (Th) (peg 2), Richard (E ) (peg 4) and Dene (C ) (peg 5).  Unfortunately, Richard’s woes of recent matches continued as he could only find small dabs although a recovery of small whiting towards the end revived his challenge but he was soon out of this contest.  Dene and Paul continued their battle with dab after dab and in the end there was nothing to separate them with 291 points and 29 fish apiece.  Flatties seemed to dominate this end of the section with Mark (G) finding a colossal 37 good dabs and just one whiting. Whilst on the other end of this section club man James (P) (peg 15) could only find 17 reason dabs and 3 whiting but had a problem signing them in with 4 empty pegs between him and next man.

Next man was Martin (W) whose early stonking whiting was just a prelude for the rest of his match as he continued to find more quality whiting along with quality dabs.  It was this focus on quality that gave Martin Waters the match with 9lb 12 1/3oz from 31 fish closely followed by Mark Gooch with 9lb 8 2/3oz from 38 fish.  Final podium slot came from the end of the other section with Alan Lewis recording 8lb 15 2/3oz from 33 fish.  Section wins went to Martin and Alan.  Heaviest flat fish went to Mark Gooch for his 10 2/3oz dab and heaviest round to Alan Lewis for his 13 1/3oz whiting.  The Super Pools was taken by the Overall winners.

On the club front Peter Simmons took the honours with 8lb 7 2/3oz from 26 fish followed by Ivan Allison with 7lb 3oz from 32 fish and Ivan Allen with 6lb 12 2/3oz from 27 fish.  Heaviest flat club points went to the two Ivans who both had a 28 cm (8oz) dab and heaviest round club points to Peter Loke for his 34 cm (11 1/3oz) whiting.

A total of 514 fish was caught weighing 124lb. Another excellent match on the North Norfolk ridge with plenty of good quality fish and for some those stonking whiting at last appeared. All matches over this holiday period have produced good bags for all which bodes well for the rest of January.

The next club match is the 1st Round of the Winter Accumulator at CLEY on SUNDAY 6TH JANUARY fishing 9:00-2:00.

Open Result Top 5
1st  Martin Waters      9lb 12 1/3oz          (31 fish)
2nd Mark Gooch          9lb  8 2/3oz           (38 fish)
3rd  Alan Lewis             8lb  15 2/3             (33 fish)
4th  Keith Morley         8lb  15oz                (35 fish)
5th  Peter Simmons     8lb  7 2/3oz           (26 fish)

Club Result Top 5
1st   Peter Simmons     8lb  7 2/3oz          (26 Fish)
2nd  Ivan Allison            7lb  3oz                 (32 Fish)
3rd   Ivan Allen               6lb 12 2/3oz        (27 Fish)
4th  John Neave            6lb 8oz                  (27 Fish)
5th= Dene Conway        6lb 1oz                 (29 Fish)
5th= Paul Thorburn       6lb 1oz                 (29 Fish)

Please use this link for full set of club match results … Holt SAC Match Results (01Jan13)

Please use this link for current league table… Holt SAC League Table (01Jan13)

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