Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm Night Shield (winter accumulator match 2)

Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm Night Shield (winter accumulator match 2)
Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm Night Shield (winter accumulator match 2)  
By Dene Conway25th of Jan. saw 9 of us venture out for the second winter accumulator match, this time it was at Kelling and conditions were not favorable.

Rain, wind and fairly cold and on top of that fishing into darkness would make it harder for all members.As per usual everyone went their own direction with Richard Ives and Tony Thomas doing another long distant walk up to the blockhouse, and Henry Randell making a beeline straight for his favorite spot near the wreck, closely followed by Robert Ford and Selena Harper.

Dene and Nicole Conway opted for a spot slightly to the right of the carpark in a spot familiar to Dene from the teams of five matches earlier in the month.John Neave and Sam Attew went more or less straight down to their hot spot positions from previous years and matches.

More or less constant drizzle and rain plagued us throughout, but there was plenty of fish around albeit undersize ones, Nicole had 10 fish with only 2 counting, and Dene also into double figure fish but only had 7 counting.

The match proved to be won by those who could find the larger fish consistantly, and still on form Tony Thomas managed to bag up with 9 fish for 3lb 15 2/3oz, closely on his tail was that man Sam again, who was taregtting and finding the bigger dabs with a final tally of 9 fish for 3lb 3oz.

Sneaking into 3rd place ahead of Dene by 3oz was Richard Ives with 6 fish for 2lb 4oz and Dene’s 7 fish for 2lb1oz secured him 4th spot.

5th place went to young Henry proving that the fish were everywhere it was just a matter of finding them.A great 6th place went to rookie Nicole Conway who managed to snare 2 fish in her first ever night time match , also just beating one of the longest standing members John Neave also with 2 fish.

Struggling to find his form was our club secretary Robert Ford who only managed to find a small rockling to save face, could his bad form have also rubbed off on Selena who was fishing next to him and found it difficult to pick up a sizeable fish.Lets hope next weeks match proves better..


HSAC Night Shield Results

Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm

1st : Tony Thomas 9 fish for 3lb 15 2/3oz

2nd : Sam Attew 9 fish for 3lb 3oz

3rd : Richard Ives 6 fish for 2lb 4oz

4th : Dene Conway 7 fish for 2lb 1oz

5th: Henry Randell 6 fish for 1lb 12oz

6th: Nicole Conway 2 fish for 0.9oz

7th: John Neave 2 fish for 0.7 1/3oz

8th: Robert Ford 1 fish for 0.3 1/3oz

9th: Selena Harper 0 fish.


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