Kelling 13th February 2011

Kelling 13th February 2011

HSAC 6th Round Winter Accumulator & Teams of 5 Report

Combining the National Sea League Norfolk Division event with the HASC Club matches has always improved match attendance and this again was  the case with this match. In addition, with no southern league match numbers were swelled even further  by a contingent of old adversaries venturing north to fish as individuals.  Another perfect day for competition on the North Norfolk coast with a stiff cool South South Easterly giving an almost flat sea with plenty of colour.  An overcast sky with a hint of rain gave ideal conditions for those big whiting to come in for the last time but that tide, just wrong!  Fishing the flood on “Springs” gets whiting and other fish feeding but on “Neaps”, as it was, they just don’t come alive.  This was proved to be the case but of course this is match fishing and the same for everyone.

As all gathered at the Muckleburgh Collection car park, it was clear from the banter and friendly atmosphere that whatever the conditions we were in for an enjoyable session.  Boosting  the number of local match anglers were those from Skeggie,  Peterborough, Ely, Gt. Yarmouth, Lowestoft and wilds of Suffolk  helping  to make competition just a bit more intense.  Pegging was from in front of the wreck at Weybourne (sections D & E) westward with one section infront of the block house at Kelling (Section A).  Missing out the Radar stretch and other notorious spots frowned upon by one or two of our more vociferous match anglers.  With such a disparate match stretch it was always going to be difficult to judge how everyone was performing which helped to sharpen the competitive instincts.

Surprisingly, unlike previous club matches everyone seemed rather subdued with no one really rushing to get bait in the water.   Fishing “Neaps” on a flooding tide means no real walking with the majority opting to cast from the top of the shingle bank throughout the match.  Within minutes of the start Paul “scoop” Fenech’s rod started bouncing around and it was whispered “maybe, just maybe the big whiting are back”  for one last time before off to create more pin whiting.  Sure enough he landed a double shot of whiting, unfortunately one just undersize.  The signs were good but this soon got dispelled as single, double and treble shots of “pins” started coming up the beach .  It was apparent that we were not in for a session like early November but at least the dabs were still there with a steady stream of single and double shots interspersed with “pins”.

Although some were finding the fish and some good whiting the majority were struggling to contact sizeable fish.  As the match wore on this did not improve particularly as the tide eased and the fish as usual switched off at slack water. It was soon apparent that this was the case along the whole stretch as buckets remained stuck at the top of the shingle bank.  Once the tide turned fish started to appear but for many it was too late as playing catch up was not going to win the day.  Apart for one, namely Dene “smooth” Conway who was being matched by Dick “umbrellaman” Able and Peter “inspector” Morse until he  found a pocket of fish to romp home for his team, Holt Blues to take section E with 2lb 8oz from 13 fish.  Likewise his fellow team member Peter “sandycoke” did the business in section C with 1lb 15oz  from 7 fish.

Personal battles were the flavour of the day with Henry “frosty” Randell of Holt Blues taking on Paul Marshall of Skeggie Boys in section B and being pipped at the post when Paul retrieved 2 small dabs on his last cast to record 2lb 5oz from 12 fish.  An even more intense battle was being fought in section A between Paul “scoop” Fenech of Holt Blues and Mike “last cast” Watts of Holt Reds who were joined by Paul Tovell as an individual in a three way tussle.  Anyone of the three could have taken the section on the last cast but it was Mike who triumphed with a small dab on that cast to seal his hold on the section with 3lb 4oz from 14 fish.

At the final whistle, it was an individual who took the honours one Martin “dingit” Waters who had been calmly casting to the horizon throughout the match resulting in a haul of 3lb 6oz from 15 fish.  Mike “last cast” Watts battle in section A helped him to secure second spot with 3lb 4oz from 14 fish closely followed by another individual John Lacey who had plodded along to notch up 3lb 2 1/3oz from 15 fish.  There were 5 anglers who had weights between 3lb and 3lb 6oz so it was all very tight and “just one more fish” was reverberating at the end.  On the team front, Holt Blues came out top with 6 points from 2 section wins and 2 seconds followed by Skeggie Boys and Holt Reds both on 8 points having 2 section wins, 2 thirds and 1 section win, 2 seconds, 1 third place respectively.

On the club front, Mike “last cast” Watts took the honours followed by Paul “scoop” Fenech with 3lb 1/3oz from 14 fish and Dene “smooth” Conway taking up final podium slot.

For once it appears the majority of the fish came from range so when fishing the flood at this venue on a “neap” tide then this has to be the tactic to adopt.  Even so, 202 sizeable fish were caught recording  41 1/2lb in weight.   It was a tough match for most but very enjoyable with an excellent club turn out.

Please note that by popular demand the club’s next match at CLEY has been moved from Saturday 19th February to SUNDAY 20TH FEBRUARY at the same time, 10:00 – 3:00.

Club Match Result Top 5

1st    Mike Watts           14 Fish   3lb 4oz

2nd    Paul Fenech         14 Fish   3lb 0 1/3oz

3rd    Dene Conway       13 Fish   2lb 7 2/3oz

4th    Henry Randell       11 Fish   2lb 3 1/3oz

5th    Peter Loke             7 Fish   1lb 15oz

Click Link for Full Results …″20hsac.HTM

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