North Norfolk Shingle Ridge 1st/2nd December 2012 – SAMF National Sea League Final 2012

North Norfolk Shingle Ridge 1st/2nd December 2012 – SAMF National Sea League Final 2012

The 2012 SAMF National Sea League Final was hosted by the Holt Sea Angling Club over the weekend of 1st & 2nd December on the North Norfolk shingle ridge fishing Cley, Salthouse and Kelling/Weybourne.  Head Quarters for the event was the Kelling Heath Holiday Park.  Twenty nine of the best teams from across the country contested the Final including 4 teams from our club.  A full report of the event along with full results can be found on the SAMF website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

The club teams and team members were …

Sam Attew
Matt Lawes
John Neave (Captain)
James Pearce
Ashley Vertigan

Ivan Allison
Ray Camilleri
Dick Ellis
Richard Ellis (Captain)
Tom Gibbs

Dave Hutchinson
Dave Shorthouse
Tony Thomas (Captain)
Paul Thorburn
Mike Watts

Dick Abel (Captain)
Bill Beeton
John Carter
Peter Loke
Henry Randell.

Day 1 started in perfect conditions with light south westerly and moderate swell which was ideal conditions for the club teams.  However, as the match progressed the wind veered to a strong north westerly with a serious swell which hampered the teams’ performances.  The final result on day 1 left Holt Rite Gear leading the club charge finishing in 7th place on 58 penalty points and Holt Morston Creek just one point behind in 8th place on 59 points.  This left them well placed for the second day just a few points behind Day 1 leaders SEATON SLUICE on 37 points and with 30 per zone a good Day 2 would see them in contention.  The other club teams did not fare so well with Holt Blakeney Bar finishing 23rd on 98 points and Holt Crack Offs 25th on 105 points.

Day 2 was the reverse of Day 1 with a strong north westerly slowly dropping off as the match progressed but the overnight wind had already done the damage and the catch rate and quality of fish were less than the previous day.  The conditions certainly affected club team performance and only Holt Morston Creek was able to come close to their Day 1 performance with 9th place on 56 points.  Holt Crack Offs improved on their Day 1 position by coming 17th on 81 points whereas Holt Rite Gear had a very bad day finishing 23rd on 96 points.  Also having a disastrous day was Holt Blakeney Bar who had to resort to 4 men as poor old Sam had lost his Day 2 match card on Day 1 in the wind and could not remember his peg number for Day 2.  This resulted in them finishing 29th on 142 points.

Individual performances on the days were lacking with the exception on Day 1 of Holt Morston Creek’s Dave Shorthouse taking 2nd in Zone B, Holt Rite Gear’s Bill Beeton 3rd and Morston Creek’s Mike Watts 6th in Zone D and  Holt Rite Gear’s John Carter 5th in Zone B.  Day 2 was poor for club members with Holt Morston Creeks Paul Thorburn best placed with 5th in Zone E, Holt Crack Off’s Tom Gibbs 8th in Zone C and Holt Crack Off’s Ivan Allison 11th in Zone E.  Over the 2 days the best club team member performances were Dave Shorthouse 13th, Bill Beeton 32nd, Mike Watts 34th ,John Carter 37th and Paul Thorburn 44th .

The club’s team performance fared slightly better with Holt Morston Creek taking 8th place on 115 points and winning £150 the last of the payout monies.  Next club team was Holt Rite Gear 18th on 154 points,  Holt Crack Offs 23rd on 183 points and finally Holt Blakeney Bar 29th on 240 points.  Winners of the event were PRIME ANGLING from Worthing on 63 points, runners-up were SEATON SLUICE from Northumberland on 85 points followed by IPSWICH SEA ANGLERS on 97 points.

Unfortunately, the weather certainly played its part in the poor club team performances and they would have performed better had the weather been quieter.  However, the contest was between the best league teams in the land who also performed well back in 2010 and the club teams gave their best shot but did not quite do the business this time.  Maybe we will be able to improve our performances as we take on the teams again on 24th/25th November 2013 in Eastbourne and if not there may be back in North Norfolk in 2014.

The club should be congratulated on running an excellent event.  A big thank you must go to club members who helped peg the beaches and those that helped with the draw and results.  Thank you to Brian Payne the Mayor of Holt who presented the prizes and trophies as well as a big thank you to Kelling Heath Holiday Park staff who helped make it a memorable weekend for all. It’s now back to the club scene and a slight rest before the club’s Winter Opens.

Click Link to display results … SAMF NSL 2012 Final Results

Click Link to go to SAMF report … SAMF NSL 2012 Final Report

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