Holt SAC 9th Leg Winter Accumulator (Report)

Sunday 28th February 2016 - Bacton



A Cold Fresh North to North Easterly greeted a healthy turn out as they gathered in Castaways Jolly Roger bar. Many thanks again to Anna and Richard for allowing us to use their facilities, much appreciated. Over the previous 3 days the predicted strength of the wind had put in doubt this venue and a move to Kelling was in prospect but as it happened a slow ebbing tide and 2 to 3 foot swell made it more than fishable. From Castaways the sea state is always deceptive, rollers coming in but down on the beach ideal conditions, a perfect bass sea ... in Winter, Never!!!


Reports from recent matches at this venue indicated it was going to be tough and that wasn't far wrong. However, everyone was in optimistic mood as they were really here to have a bit of practice for the final round of the North Norfolk National Sea League at this venue in 2 weeks all except the man with the "cold" hands who had opted for the carvery option. To try and maximise the fish pegging for this one was around the first pipe (6 east and 10 west). This venue is renowned for being peggy and in this one it was certainly the case particularly as the beach appears to have flattened off with all the favourite gullies gone.


It was soon obvious that the predicted hot spot pegs to the left of the pipe was indeed a hot spot as Jake Cooper took the honours on the day with 2lb 3oz from 6 fish with a late 36cm bass sealing his victory. Much to the disappointment of Luke Pearson next to the pipe who was storming it until then with a bag of flounders and a plaice but had to settle for runner-up spot with 1lb 13oz from 5 fish. Having a hot spot is one thing but you still need to know where to place the bait and they certainly sussed that out. Final podium slot went to John Neave who was only persuaded in the last minute to fish after taking that view from Castaways that it was unfishable for him. He managed to find 4 fish for 1lb 6oz but his initial indecision made him avoid the Super Pool, shame!!!.


In total just 41 fish (10 whiting, 18 flounders, 6 dabs, 1 plaice, 1 rockling and 5 bass) were recorded weighing 12lb 4oz. Heaviest flat fish was a monster 36cm (1lb 3oz) flounder to Paul Harvey really close in and heaviest round fish that 36cm (1lb) bass to Jake which for once was not destined for the "plate". Good to see a few bass around this early although rather small and it was encouraging to see the flounders back with many in the late 20cms. After the report of lack of flounders in the previous match at this venue this bodes well for a futher improvement for the Sea League match in 2 weeks time, we're going to need them!  Top marks must go to our star Junior in Luke Brierley who managed to find 4 fish and his first ever Bass albeit very small but it's a start. Finishing a creditable 6th against some top local match anglers is no mean feat considering the conditions. He has all the credentials for being a future top match angler, well done Luke!!!


An interesting match where our England Youth International gets beat yet again by ONE point and one of our top " not so local" match anglers reporting "must do better". That's match fishing for you, said it was a peggy venue. This match also propelled Mike Watts to the top of the Overall League as he finally managed to register his 15th Winter match to complete his set of 15 matches for the league. With just 2 league matches left it is going to be very close as he only has a slender 6 point lead over Tony Thomas.


Top 5 match results ...


1st  Jake Cooper    2lb 3oz   (6 fish)
2nd Luke Pearson   1lb 13oz (5 fish)
3rd  John Neave     1lb 6oz   (4 fish)
4th  Paul Harvey     1lb 3oz   (1 fish)
5th  Mike Watts      1lb 1oz   (5 fish)


Winter Accumulator current positions after 9 Legs out of 10 ...


1st  Mike Watt        46lb 1oz
2nd Keith Morley    42lb 4oz
3rd Tony Thomas   38lb 10oz
4th  John Carter     34lb 15oz
5th  Paul Tovell      31lb 11oz


Top 5 league placings ...


1st  Mike Watts      819 points
2nd Tony Thomas  813 points
3rd  John Carter    774 points
4th  John Neave     768 points
5th  Peter Loke      710 points


Next club match is the final shingle match this season at Kelling via Muckleburgh Collection on Sunday 6th March fishing 10:00 to 3:00 LW 10:57 4.2m. Let's hope the healthy turn out continues along with plenty of that fishing "fun".


Foot note ...


Is this the last of the undersize "tings" this year, good question? Henry had a bucketful of the tiny monsters, now he is after them being recorded as they were fish he caught although wouldn't say he was targetting them!!!



Luke Brierley's first bass and it darted off into the surf after release well and truly alive, so no harm done there!!! ...




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