Holt SAC North Norfolk National Sea League Round 6 (Report)

Sunday 13th March 2016 - Bacton


With High pressure and a chilly Easterly everyone was pessimistic about what was in store for us particularly after the experiences at this Bacton venue two weeks previous on an almost identical tide. This pessimism was soon well founded as this was a tough one for all. Unperturbed team members were soon tucking into breakfast and bacon butties in the Jolly Roger at Castaways Holiday Park. Thanks again to Ana and Richard for all their support of the North Norfolk National Sea League. With a relatively late midday start on a 9:21a.m. 4.9m HW meant that everyone was almost in front of the revetments at the start and it was following the ebb from then on. To try an maximise fish numbers the 5 sections were located around the 3 pipes in front of the gas site which meant a damn long walk for zone A at the third pipe but as it happens it was rewarding.

With plenty of space between sections there was plenty of scope to drift around further assisted by a few teams being a bit short leaving a few empty pegs. Weed was a bit of a nuisance as the tide dropped but not serious although it did help those with drifting tactics. However, it soon became evident that lack of water was going to be an issue as the very small swell started to break on the inshore sand bar.  This only left the gullies etched out around the pipes with any depth of water. It was soon apparent that it was going to be painfully slow as fish were few and far between and the lack of water was probably gradually pushing the fish into these gullies. With some top match anglers wandering around you really did know it was painfully slow.

Finding the fish was the priority and that was the challenge for the eventually winner and after 3 hours with nothing apart from pin whiting under 18cm he thought he was destined for the blankers brigade. Then he found a 27cm flounder and as the tide started to bottom a couple of double shots and a few singles were soon on his card in the last hour. Of course he was pegged just to the left of the third pipe where there was still some real water leading “young” Henry to quote ‘you should be shot if you don’t win from there’ or he probably used more illustrious words than these. Winner on the day was Tony Thomas (peg 8) (North Norfolk Lads) next to the pipe with 1lb 15oz from 7 fish and he needed all of them for victory. Close on his heels was another zone A man in Paul Harvey (peg 6) (Team Kipper) with 1lb 13 1/3oz from 6 fish whose last cast flounder was not quite big enough to do the business. Final podium slot went to Jeff Stannard (peg 23) (Avenue Angling Beccles) with 1lb 5oz from just 3 fish which include two quality flounders.

The heaviest flat fish was a 33cm (15oz) flounder to Phil Read (peg 23) (Team Maver) and heaviest round fish a 28cm (5+oz) whiting to Henry Randell (peg 7) (Team Maver) which slightly made up for being beaten yet again by ONE point for 3rd place. Altogether just 63 fish (48 flounders, 3 dabs, 1 plaice?, 1 turbot?, 1 sole, 2 whiting and 7 rockling) weighing 19lb 11oz were recorded although there is still debate on whether the plaice was actually a flounder.

On the teams front, Henry led his TEAM MAVER to victory with 8 points although not by example for a change this time with his 3rd zone place and 2 zone wins and a zone 2nd from his team members. A rejuvenated NORTH NORFOLK LADS took the runners-up slot with 11 points followed by AVENUE ANGLING BECCLES with 14 points. It must be noted that the Juniors in HOLT SAC YOUTHS shared 4th place with AVENUE ANGLING NORWICH with 16 points with young Jack Topping winning zone E, Luke Brierley 3rd in zone D and Danny Brown 4th in zone C, well done lads!

After 6 rounds the 2015/2016 North Norfolk National Sea League Champions were AVENUE ANGLING NORWICH who convincing took the title and the Holt SAC “Shingle Ridge Shield” with 38 points. Team members were Gary Medler (Captain), John Bower, Andy Gallacher, Richard Jacobs and David Read. Runners-up slot was shared by two teams in AVENUE ANGLING BECCLES and NORTH NORFOLK LADS with 68 points. In total 8 teams fished the league and all are eligible to participate in the National Sea League Final to be held in North Norfolk on the weekend of 26th/27th November. This will include the Holt SAC Youths team which will be a first Juniors team for this competition.

The day was concluded with a Buffet, Raffle, Annual Meeting and Presentation of the league winnings and shield. One important proposal was passed at the meeting where the 2016/2017 league will adopt a 18cm size catch & release size limit on all fish except whiting which will be 25cm. The venues for next season will remain as last season but the final round will be moved from March to April at Bacton with no March match. Although fish numbers were poor for rounds 5 & 6 the other matches were exceptional with the overall recorded number of fish being the best for 10 years. Let’s hope this continues when the next season starts in October and if anyone is interested in entering a team please contact Holt SAC on 07780793141.

This match concludes Holt SAC’s 2015/2016 season and the 2016/2017 season will commence on Sunday 12th April at a venue to be announced after the 2016 AGM. Anyone wishing to join Holt SAC please contact the club on 07780793141.

Top 5 Individuals (on the day) …

1st Tony Thomas        1lb 15oz       (7 Fish) (North Norfolk Lads)
2nd Paul Havey            1lb 13 1/3oz (6 fish)  (Team Kipper)
3rd Jeff Stannard         1lb 5oz        (3 fish)  (Avenue Angling Beccles)
4th  Henry Randell       1lb 4 2/3oz   (4 fish)  (Team Maver)
5th Phil Read               1lb 4oz        (2 fish)  (Team Maver)

Top 5 Teams (on the day) …

1st   Team Maver                    8 penalty points
2nd  North Norfolk Lads          11 penalty points
3rd   Avenue Angling Beccles   14 penalty points
4th= Avenue Angling Norwich  16 penalty points
4th= Holt SAC Youths            16 penalty points

Final Teams Result

1st   Avenue Angling Norwich   38 penalty points
2nd= North Norfolk Lads         68 penalty points
2nd= Avenue Angling Beccles   68 penalty points
4th    Holt Crack Offs              70 penalty points
5th    Team Kipper                  72 penalty points
6th    Team Maver                   78 penalty points
7th    Charlies Angels             131 penalty Points
8th    Holt SAC Youths           136 penalty points


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