2nd Leg Summer Accumulator

Sunday 13th April 2014 - Salthouse

In contrast to last year's record turnout for the 2nd match of the new season there was some doubt if there was even a quorum for the 2nd Leg of the Summer Accumulator. With young Henry "protégée" Randell on International duty in Brighton, the secretary on route to Brussels, Mr Lokie and crew on the Thames at Gravesend and the rookies in team action at Minsmere it was expected that numbers would be down. As it happened the Carter camp had mobilised themselves and decided to have a bit of company and competition rather than pure pleasure. With sign erected the small band of loyal club supporters were soon gathering on carparkless Salthouse beach road for an early 9:00 a.m. start.


A bright but chilly morning gave everyone hope that something decent would come out for a change. The brisk West North Westerly had put a little lump on the water and plenty of colour and the thought of the first of the Bass went through everyone's mind. Fishing the final 4 hours of the ebb and an hour up on a medium tide meant tide movement throughout and the chance of fish all the way through. Pegging was west from what is left of Great Eye mound and the usual stretch for club matches. With High Water well past all were soon setting up way down the shingle to save further exertion on those poor old pensioner joints.


A whistleless start soon got the action underway with everyone opting for the usual Salthouse chuck, well all except "steady" Carter (peg 4) who thought a trip to the wind farm would be better for his bait. Well you see he had peeler and was determined to make them work for him as he was after those big bass and repeat his performance of 2 years ago where he was reeling in some beauties at the same match. Everyone else was sticking to the traditional North Norfolk blow lug bait tipped with a bit of squid, mackerel and even herring. True to form using these concoctions "silver fox" Neave (peg 1) was soon onto fish not one but a treble shot of coallies, now where did they come from? Not to be out done "the consult" Allison (peg 2) soon had a small dab and whiting on his card to keep him in touch in the early stages.


Unfortunately this action was not being repeated in the Carter camp as scorecards continued to remain blank. However, a small tap tap on "cuddly" Carter's (peg 3) tip resulted in a small pout being entered on her card. Not so for hubby "steady" Carter (peg 4) who just could find a fish and crab at distance was not working and even at close range they were not turned on by his noxious bait. Not the case with "silver fox" who was in his element finding some small whiting along with some reasonable dabs. Not to be outdone "the consultant" was finding some really good dabs well into the 20cms giving him plenty of points and the edge over "silver fox" at this stage. The tide ebbing fast by now and the thought of those big bass were a distant memory but in this game there is always a chance.


The situation was getting desperate by now for "steady" and even "cuddly" were having a barren time. So crab was off the menu and on came lug and straight away "steady" was into good dabs and a reasonable flounder but his switch was just that bit too late. Still no such luck for "cuddly" as she could only find a few small whiting. The duo of "silver fox" and "the consultant" were now way ahead of the Carter clan and as their cards filled up were into their own personal battle between themselves. "the consultant's" lead soon disappeared and it was nip and tuck for the rest of the match. As the tide bottomed out it was "silver fox's" dab prowess that came to afore as he started to pile on the pressure with a nice 26cm specimen. "the consultant" tried to respond with a 24 cm version at the end but the damage had already been done.


In the end, it was John "silver fox" Neave who took the honours with 4lb 14oz from 25 fish followed by Ivan "the consultant" Allison with 3lb 8 2/3oz from 18 fish. A fast finishing John "steady" Carter took the final podium slot with 3lb 1oz from 13 quality fish, if only he had started using that lug earlier. Heaviest fish points went to John(C) for his 26cm (6oz) Dab and John(N) for his 25cm (4oz) rockling. The super pool result was the same as the club match.


Although numbers were low there was still plenty of competitive spirit around which is at the heart of our club. No real rod bending fish but as the water warms up and summer approaches those monster bass, stonking flounders and hopefully magic smoothhounds will make a welcome appearance.


Next club match is at BACTON on SUNDAY 27TH APRIL fishing 9:00-2:00.


Club Match Result Top 5

1st   John Neave         4lb 14oz     (25 fish)

2nd   Ivan Allison          3lb 8 21/3oz (18 fish)

3rd  John Carter           3lb 1oz         (13 fish)

4th   Pam Carter          0lb 9oz         (4 fish)

(No other weighers)

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