5th Leg Summer Accumulator

Sunday 11th May 2014 - Kelling

With just one week to go until the Bass Festival this was an ideal opportunity for club members to check out what was now the sole venue for this event. Even though the tides were small for this match it gave us the opportunity to check out the “infamous” radar section of this stretch for the Bass Festival. The weather was not too promising with a strong West South Westerly along the beach with a touch of dampness. Even with an early 8:30 start a healthy gathering was soon assembling at the Muckleburgh main gate including a rare appearance of Bedfordshire’s “aerial” Parrott” who was exercising his newly acquired holiday pad at Trimingham. Also making a rare appearance was the “Temple” gene pool in the form of Billy and Henry and there was only one thing they were after, Bass! and nothing to do with any pre-Festival practice. As is customary now to comply with our new Muckleburgh licence all pegs were drawn at the main gate and all were soon off across the new dusty route to their allotted slots

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