9th Leg Summer Accumulator

Sunday 15th June 2014 - Kelling

After the sultry conditions and big flounders at Kings Lynn it was back to reality on the shingle and hopefully a repeat of those Salthouse smoothhounds and of course those silver bars. The experience of Salthouse prompted a delayed start, fishing the last of the ebb and the beginning of the flood when those hounds came on on that eventful day. A dry day beckoned with a moderate northerly giving a good 3-4 foot swell so more of a bass sea than one for the hounds. With a 12:00 start there could be no excuses for late arrivals and all the regulars were for once all there in reasonable time for the draw. Pegging was to be west of the small cliff as that tends to attract the bass in these conditions but with a couple of pleasurers on a prime slot here it was decided to peg from the east end of the small cliff towards the wreck. With plenty of room between pegs this left end peg bang on the wreck and certainly a hot peg for whoever could put some controlled distance to their bait.


Pegs were drawn well ahead of schedule and all were soon set up on the shingle and well into banter mode. Well all except “yoda” who had left his sustenance back at pad and was soon seen making his way across dusty Muckleborough to avoid a “Henry” situation with no moisture intake for 5 hours. With all this rectified it was back to the business of the day and the whistle was off at the crack of midday. Everybody was soon in Kelling mode with casts at their now well rehearsed distances all except “take it easy” Tovell (peg 12). For him he had the wreck in his sights and was placing his bait in the margins around this obstruction with immediate effect as a treble shot of good sized pouts were soon on his card only minutes after the start. With a strong ebbing tide all expected good sport from the off but this was not the case although “yoda” Thomas (peg 7) managed a nice flounder on his first cast.


For the first hour activity was slow but the fish then started to come on as “steady” Carter (peg 11) found a couple of small flounders as did “squids” Camilleri (peg10). Also finding fish was “the consultant” Allison (peg 5) , “ex-captain Ellis (peg 6), “inspector” Morse (peg 2) and “off duty” Gibbs (peg 1) who all found a small flattie. However, it was still slow for “big baits” Ellis (peg 3) and “silverfox” Neave (peg 8) who is always a slow starter. Then true to form there was “silverfox” hauling up a small silver bar to get his day started and then “big baits” did likewise with a nice 29cm flounder. By now the tide was dropping fast and for those at the lower end the bass were switched on as “ex-captain” excitedly beached a nice 41cm version and dreams of top spot were on particularly as he then found a healthy 29cm flounder.


Before and during all this action “take it easy” on wreck peg was building up his small pout only catch which was then supplemented by a 31cm schoolie. “ex-captain” now realised he had competition and this became even worse as “inspector” locked into a 51cm bass blasting “ex-captain’s” way out of contention. Making things even worse for him was dad “big baits” as he landed a 40cm bass but it was “inspector” who sealed his fate after finding a chunky 31cm flounder. In the final hour it was just small flatties on the agenda for most and of course the odd pout to “take it easy”. Well that was almost it except end peg “off duty” just had to find something decent to go with his small flatties and at last locked into a quality 46cm bass.


At the whistle it was the man with the biggest bass and flounder that took the honours, Peter “inspector” Morse with 4lb 1/3oz from 6 fish. Next was Richard “ex-captain” Ellis with 3lb 1oz from 7 fish and the pout man taking the final podium slot in Paul “take it easy” Tovell with 2lb 14oz from 10 fish. Peter had both the heaviest flat and round with his 12oz (31cm) flounder and 2lb 11oz (51cm) bass. Super Pools result was the same as the match result.


Not a lot of fish this time surprisingly even with a good northerly blow and fishing the ebb. In hindsight we should have gone further west but you never know until you try. The next match venue is a club favourite in Bacton where hopefully those stonking Bacton flounders and good bass might come on stream.


Club Top 5

1st Peter Morse               4lb 1/3oz              (6 fish)

2nd Richard Elliss                3lb 1oz                 (7 fish)

3rd Paul Tovell                   2lb 14oz                (10 fish)

4th Tom Gibbs                   2lb 12 1/3oz        (5 fish)

5th Dick Ellis                        2lb 2/3oz              (3 fish)

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