6th Leg Summer Accumulator

Sunday 25th May 2014 - Salthouse

After the efforts of the previous weekend and the Bass Festival it was back our more traditional club matches. Salthouse was our venue for this match and it is really sad to see how last December’s tidal surge has mutilated the shingle bank and obliterated the car park. For 60 years these have remained relatively intact and now they have just gone. Parking here is now a nightmare and no-one wants to take responsibility for at least reinstating a car park or even have the inclination to want to have a car park at this popular seashore venue. There appears to be sinister motives behind preventing this happening which would never have been the case a couple of decades ago. Please can we have a car park back at Salthouse! Emotive situation for those who have spent all their lives on this beach.

Even without a car park a strong contingent of club members were assembling on the shingle on a bright and calm morning for a really early 8:30 start. Included in the gathering was the Day 2 Bass Festival winner Paul Tovell who was presented with his winnings and trophy prior to the draw, well done Paul! Further interest in the club continues with 3 more new members, Ally “bassy” Barnes from Southrepps, hubby Trevor “the hat” Barnes and Gary “bells” Raven from Wells, welcome aboard to you all. Pegging for the match was the usual club stretch west from Great Eye towards Cley. Fishing over the bottom meant an easy walk to the pegs along the sandy strip below the shingle bank and none of this clambering up the shingle during the match. The sea had some colour in it but the brown May sludge had subsided a little though it was still murky. The sea had a little lump in it but probably not enough to bring on the silver bars but just right for the hounds.

At the whistle all were soon in action placing their baits at their own favourite distance for this venue which meant they went everywhere as everyone has their own personal idea of where the fish are lurking. First to show and continuing his success from the Bass Festival the previous weekend was “take it easy” Tovell (peg 6) with a small dab at range as did “the consultant” Allison (peg 7) although his range was somewhat closer. Also getting into the mix at this stage was drifter “lucky” Loke (peg 1) who was taking advantage of his true end peg by finding a double shot of small whiting. However, it was a slow start for all the others but eventually “protégée” Randell (peg 8), “silverfox” Neave (peg 9) and “reedy” Temple (peg 14) all finding a small flattie with “ex-captain” Ellis (peg 10) and “the boss” Morley (peg 14) finding a small whiting. Unfortunately at this early stage it was a grim tale for “yoda” Thomas (peg 2) and “the hat” Barnes (peg 5) with his big baits who could not find a single fish.

Eventually, this pair managed to find a small dab but it was the others who were now filling up there cards. As in previous matches it was “the consultant” who was leading the charge with a range of dabs, flounders, whiting and even a turbot as he continue to persevere with his big worm baits. Next peg “take it easy” was trying to keep up and finding a few fish at range which included a nice 31cm flounder and 36 points for his card. Creeping into the action and keeping a low profile on end peg was “lucky” who was finding a range of dabs, whiting and flounders with “the boss” keeping in touch with a raft of dabs. Surprisingly even though it was a small tide there was a good tidal flow throughout the match and for once the vermin were inactive with most worm baits coming back intact. A situation which was favouring “the consultant” who was continuing to reel in dabs, whiting and flounders. At this stage, getting slightly tired of the lack of action with his worm baits “take it easy” decided a change of tactics was required with a good lob of 3 crab baits, this was to be a decisive decision.

As the tide ebbed the bass hadn’t arrived but this was soon put right as “the boss” found one and “silver fox” a couple but you really could not call them specimens. The tide was now flooding and in the mind of “take it easy” it was now or never for something serious to come along and with his decisive decision earlier this is precisely what happened. You always know that something big is coming out when someone walks slowly down to the water’s edge with rod bent double and in through the “surf” comes an 85cm smooth-hound worth 306 points. A score that suddenly wiped out all other cards in one single entry. Match over or was it as there still was plenty of time and tide left to contest this score but of course it had to be hounds or some serious bass. Out went the 3 hook flappers loaded with crab at a reasonable distance to tempt a hound or two but for most this was still light gear which was a wrong move.

First to be caught out by this was “protégée” who was having a dire day anyway but having managed to locate a hound only to see his trace smashed as it paid no attention to being hooked. “yoda” also found himself in a similar situation as his rod bent double and then the beast shook its head and it was gone, a good fish! However, he was compensated a short while later with a smaller, much smaller 53cm version. To add to this smashing time, “reedy” also managed to connect big hound to also have his gear smashed. No problem for “take it easy” as he managed to find another 2 hounds with one being a 96cm specimen for 482 points or just over 10lb, a superb fish! At this stage “take it easy” was in conversation with the “consultant” when he was wishing to get over 1000 points when “the consultant” asked how he knew he had a hound on, slack line was the reply to which “the consultant” replied your line is slack. Another 60cm hound comes ashore and the 1000points is passed. With all this action and after his smashing time “reedy” was still in hound mode and managed to coax a nice 70cm version up the beach for some compensation for his lost monster.

No one was going to catch 4 hounds and Paul “take it easy” Tovell comfortably took the honours with 21lb 11oz from just 10 fish. He was followed by another hound man in Billy “reedy” Temple with 7lb 1oz also from 10 fish. Final podium slot was taken by a non-hound man in worm ace Ivan “the consultant” Allison with 3lb 12oz from 21 fish. Heaviest fish points both went to Paul for his 31cm (12oz) Flounder and his 96cm (10lb 1oz) smooth-hound. The super pool result was the same as the club match.

Well at last some real fish to report and all coming on that part of the tide, the flood which we rarely fish, something to remember for next year. As well as remembering to seriously change from light tactics if the hounds are about. Something young Henry will not forget in a hurry as granddad Billy continually ribs him about his lost hound and how he thrashed him on this particular day. With high pressure coming him to help smooth off the water after a week’s rough there is chance of more hounds or bass at Cley on a much bigger tide.

Next club match is at CLEY on SUNDAY 1ST JUNE fishing 9:00-2:00.
Club Match Result Top 5
1st Paul Tovell 21lb 11 1/3oz (10 fish)
2nd Billy Temple 7lb 1oz (10 fish)
3rd Ivan Allison 3lb 11 2/3oz (21 fish)
4th Keith Morley 3lb 2 1/3oz (15 fish)
5th Peter Loke 2lb 4 2/3oz (13 fish)

The Paul Tovell Show

Bass Festival Day 2 WinnerSmooth-hound
Bass Festival Day 2 Trophy and Winnings

The smaller of his two smooth-hounds

(He is a big lad!!!)


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