Holt Sea Angling Club
Match Results 2015-2016
Date:  Sunday 14th February 2016
Venue:  Salthouse
Trophy:  North Norfolk National Sea League Round 5
Attendance:  30
Total Fish No:  34
Total Weight Points:  566
Total Match Weight:  11lb 12oz


Posn. Member Weight No. Fish Weight Points
(lb) (oz)
1  Mike Watts 3 13 2/3 7 185
2  Jeff Stannard  1  8  2  72
3  Gary Medler 0  15  3  45
4  Alan Doy  0  14 1/3  2  43
5=  Andy Gallacher  0  10  2  30
5=  Allan Lewis  0  10  4  30
7  Kevin Green  0  9 1/3  2  28
8  John Bower  0  8 1/3  2  25
9=  Paul Harvey  0  7  2  21
9=  Ken Durrant  0  7  1  21
11  John Carter  0  5 2/3  2  17
12  Keith Morley  0  4  1  12
13  Peter Simmons  0  3 2/3  1  11
14  Henry Randell  0  2 2/3  1  8
15  Ivan Allison  0  2 1/3  1  7
16  David Read  0  2  1  6
17  Willy Groombridge  0  1 2/3  1  5
-  Luke Brierley  0 0 0 0
-  Paul Tovell  0  0  0  0
-  Paul Kendrick  0  0  0  0
-  Tony Thomas  0  0  0  0
-  Tom Gibbs  0  0  0  0
-  Mark Coleman  0 0  0  0
-  Billy Temple  0 0  0  0
-  Cavin Reed  0  0  0  0
-  Charlie Needham  0  0  0  0
-  Peter Loke  0  0  0  0

 (Please note 3 Other Team Members arrived but had to pack up before they started due to the sea state)

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