Holt SAC West Norfolk Challenge 2016 (Announcement)

Summer 2016 - Kings Lynn Estuary



During the summer of 2016 Holt SAC will be running its annual series of four matches on the Gt. Ouse Estuary at Kings Lynn. The matches will be open to both club members and the general public. The series is intended to cater for all abilities and is an excellent way for the novice angler to rub shoulders and learn for the more experienced match angler.

The dates, location and times of the matches are as follows …

     Sunday 17th April                        Round 1
     KINGS LYNN – WEST/Central             9:30 - 2:30 … LW 11:15
     Sunday 15th May                         Round 2
     KINGS LYNN – WEST/North              12:30 - 5:30 … HW 2:35
     Sunday 12th June                        Round 3
     KINGS LYNN - WEST/South              10:30 - 3:30 … HW 12:25
     Sunday 17th July                         Round 4
     KINGS LYNN - WEST/Central            10:30 - 3:30 … LW 12:45

The series will be catch & release with a minimum size of 18cm and all eels will be measured immediately and returned NOT retained for weighing. The primary fish will be flounders and eels with the odd bass and sole probably making an appearance. The main baits will be crab, lug and maddies along with some secret concoctions known to the locals.

This is a series of 4 matches which will produce an overall West Norfolk Champion. Points will be awarded to each angler at each match with the winner receiving 1 point, 2nd 2 points and so on OR if there are sufficient competitors for sections then the same points allocation will be assigned per section. Any tie will be broken by weight and then numbers of fish but if there is still a tie then points will be shared. The overall winner will be the angler whose total points minus the worst points match score is the lowest of all the competitors. In the event of a tie, overall weight and then number of fish in the selected matches will be used to break the tie. If the tie cannot be broken then the title will be shared. The champion will receive a trophy and a small monetary prize.

Entry fee for each match will be £10 all in along with a £5 Optional Pools which will provide a 100% pay out. The match fee will be used to fund a 1st, 2nd and 3rd pay out in each match and may go down to 4th place if numbers allow. The all in fee will also fund one significant heaviest fish pay out per match as well as providing a small contribution towards the overall champion monetary prize. The Optional Pools will be paid out to 1st and 2nd in each sections and if there are no sections then 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the overall competition on the day.

A raffle at each match will fund a free pairs competition over all 4 matches. Each competing angler will be allowed to nominate a partner and the winning pair will be the pair who has the highest accumulated weight over all 4 matches. The winning pair will receive an amount dependent on the raffle fund and their maybe a runners up pair if funds allow.

There will also be an Optional Mystery Pairs competition with a £5 entrance fee per angler at the first match. The pairing will be determined from the results of the first match where a draw will pair an angler from the top half of the match results with an angler from the bottom half. The winning pair will be determined in the same way as the nominated pairs competition and pay out will be from the Optional Mystery Pairs fund where there will be a 100% pay out.

All matches are required to be pre-booked by contacting Mike on 07858758669 or Tony on 07780793141 or by returning the following booking form ...  Booking Form .



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