Sun.1st. Feb. 10am – 3pm Sid Ernie Cup(winter accumulator match 3)

Sun.1st. Feb. 10am – 3pm Sid Ernie Cup(winter accumulator match 3) By Dene Conway The winter is back again with harsh 25 – 30 mile an hour Easterly winds , blizzards and a rough sea, it was debateable at the beginning whether we should fish the match or cancel it, we decided to reduce the […]

Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm Night Shield (winter accumulator match 2)

Sun.25th Jan. Kelling 4pm-9pm Night Shield (winter accumulator match 2)   By Dene Conway25th of Jan. saw 9 of us venture out for the second winter accumulator match, this time it was at Kelling and conditions were not favorable. Rain, wind and fairly cold and on top of that fishing into darkness would make it […]